Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Its Somewhat A Lounge Chair!

I reached way in the back to the freshman archive and found this! Man what was I thinking. I made this  hoping I could give my back a rest, but I didn't realize I would have to break a sweat and my back in the process to get there. Lesson learned. But I had fun and quite a challenge to get it to work properly. 

I call myself taking the easy way out by drilling some holes and stick poles through it to make a chair, piece of cake right? No way. Not if your silly enough to want it to lean back too. Not only in one but in TWO places. I conclude that my ambition juice was definitely flowing back then.

But anyway, my thought process at the time was to make a chair that I could take apart fairly easy, so I could ship it back home to show my family. I like to slouch in chairs a little for more comfort so I designed it with that in mind. Oh and I had to do it on a tight budget. and this was what resulted. ENJOY!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I thought it would be good to kind of show some of my handy work projects I have worked on. Since this blog touches a little on how things are made. Well what about how ottomans are made. I'm no professional but  the little I do know about 3D and wood basics, somehow I was able to make my first ottoman! I think it came out pretty good.

It was done over winter break (2013). I would be more interesting if I would have thought to take more process photos at the time, but hey maybe next time. I made this for a good friend of mines, his wife really wanted to save and make one herself but didn't know how, so I chipped in.

I call it the Odmodomon

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Chair Made With NO HANDS!

In America, I think we are really spoiled at times, having an array of means to getting what we want with green paper (money). Try building something you can use for a change, instead of buying it. If many of us are less comfort seeking. We can gain more satisfaction and enjoyment, from some of the things we make and use ourselves. I'm not saying we have to be cheap, but the money we spend should AID us NOT HANDICAP our ability to think, create, design and make for ourselves. Don’t waste what God has given you. Thank Him for your mind, hands, and FEET!

 A must watch inspiring video. A more than capable fellow making chairs for 20 years with no hands.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

No Way!

I saw this video initially on Facebook. But had to repost it here on the blog really quick. Crazy video, I never thought a cat could do such a thing. This one apparently went viral sometime ago but I'm just catching up to it. Anyway let me know what you think of it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How its Made Wednesday: Speed Skates

I don't skate much but I do like the fun of it whenever I get a chance to. Pretty interesting how it's made.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Eagle Eyes!

Ever wondered how eagle eyes work.

I’m sure we all know that most animals have far enhanced capabilities than humans. With that said what makes eagles eyesight superior than ours. Other than eyes being on the side of our face, it more so has to do with the way they’re shaped. Its not all but here are a few facts.

Their eyes are the same weight size as human eyes, but the back is flatter and larger than the back of our eyes. Therefore this gives an eagle a much larger image compared to us. Also its retina has a much more concentrated rod and cone cells, which sends sight information to the brain.

We have 200,000 cones per millimeter, and eagles have a MILLION cones per millimeter. That's far superior than apples best retina displays, and 5X better than a normal human eye.

This is a basic example of how we receive sight.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How its Made Wednesday: GUITARS!

Do you like instruments? Well how about my all time favorite, acoustic guitars. Check this video out to see how one of the major manufacturers of guitars make their instruments. The process of making one varies a little but this one is well documented and up to date with machining equipment, also beautiful background music.

I personally play a little, just trying to teach myself so I can give praise to the Lord with it. I am literally just a beginner though, like a new born babe kind of beginner. If there is a level before preschool, that's the class I'm in right now. Haha enjoy!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Sky Covenant, Rainbow!

How its made: Simple, it is caused through a process of reflection and refraction of sunlight in water droplets in the Earth’s atmosphere. This results in a beautiful colorful spectrum of light.

This was my first time seeing a full arched rainbow. It looked way better in person and plus it was actually a double rainbow.

From all the smiles and happy faces I saw around me at the time I wondered if they really knew what this FORESHADOWED  in the future, according to God’s word. Its one of God's great remindful WARNINGS from the old testament of scripture. Genesis ch 9, great book check it out.

Genesis 9: 13, 15

(13)I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth, (15) and I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh: and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh.

Although God will not flood the earth again by water, but when the appropriate time is fulfilled, GOD WILL DESTROY THE EARTH BY FIRE! Everything seems fine now but a day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men is upon us in these last days. (2 Peter 3:7)

2 Peter 3: 10
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed and its works will be burned up.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Peacock Mantis Shrimp

Check this little guy out, The Peacock Mantis Shrimp, came across it a little while ago. Besides its attractive colorful beauty, I wouldn't dare go near it! It is said they are known to have one of the fastest and strongest punches in the animal kingdom.
Its raptorial appendages strikes with a comparable velocity of a 22 caliber bullet. Take your pick, that's like 23m/s or 75ft/s or 51mph. Not only that, it moves so fast it generates a mini shockwave that creates a vacuum pocket, which essentially boils water, and generates light. Man now that is awesome, what a creature!

Slow Motion!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How: | it Works, its Made, its Done!

Hello! My name is Suven (swevin). What better way to begin the 2014th year since the time of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ than with a fresh personal bio!

I do have to say I have been a bit behind on the social media scene since I graduated from high school (Dash), in 2011. I hardly scratched the surface in letting people know much about me, what I do, my values, and some of the things I am interested in.
Well back to square one About Me. I am currently an undergrad student at College for Creative Studies, pursuing a career in transportation design. Presently a 6th semester junior, in a sponsored senior studio with Case New Holland (CNH). I do have to admit I am really excited to tackle the job, and am really thankful to the Lord, they let me switch into it just in time.

As an artistic individual I really enjoy the challenge of finding solutions to problems, mainly ones I can literally get my hands on ASAP to work it out. whether it takes paper and pencil, some wood and tools, or some play acting if it calls for it, just about anything really to use to help get a point across. I really get a kick out of not only seeing things work but I believe there is an understated beauty behind understanding the process of how something may work.

To me it gives more an appreciation of the things we use and observe every day, from man-made to heavenly-made (organic life forms).
My personal aim here at CCS is essentially to be a well-rounded Industrial designer. If one can do that I think they can design effectively just about anything. It’s not the thing that tells the story, but how that thing is told does.

One thing I cherish and love above all is having this one life opportunity to walk with my Father God! Since I can’t see into tomorrow or the next minute rather, my only ambition in this life really, is to be pleasing to Him at every moment. Now that’s a life I consider worth living.